Tracking visitors with Framer’s built-in Analytics

Gain valuable insights into how your site and pages are performing.

Gain valuable insights into how your site and pages are performing.

We offer a built-in analytics solution that is fully GDPR compliant and doesn't require any consent. To view the built-in analytics, go to your project settings and then on the left head over to Analytics.

In this tab, you'll be able to see how many people have visited your website in the last 30 days or the last week. You can also hover over the graph to see a breakdown per day.

Scrolling down a little bit, you can see the top sources of traffic to your site, as well as a breakdown of the top pages that visitors are landing on.


The Framer analytics provide a powerful core set of metrics:

  • Unique Visitors: Every individual who came by your site

  • Page Views: Every page load (Typically multiple per visitor)

  • Top Sources: All the sites that point to your site (These are a bit approximate as browser have become very strict when the report the referrers for privacy reasons)

  • Top Pages: The most visited pages on your site

Framer analytics are semi live, they update every minute or two. Perfect for big launches where you need to keep an eye on the total visitors during the day.


Framer analytics are typically more accurate than other analytics for two reasons:

  • They don't get blocked by popular ad blockers because they are part of your site

  • They use a combination of JavaScript and backend to count the number of visitors


Analytics tools often write a persistent cookie with a user id to identify you which can result in the need for a cookie banner according to privacy laws such as the GDPR. Framer analytics apply a common strategy to completely anonymise your users by using a daily rotating secret (salt), resulting in completely anonymous analytics.

Note: You can combine our built-in analytics with Google Analytics or any other analytics tool. Learn more.