Once everything is perfect, you can confidently click the "publish" button in the top right corner to make your website live. We'll also explore the importance of accessibility and shareability, making the website accessible to all users and easily shareable with customers and stakeholders. Additionally, I'll explain how to customize the website's online display by changing the site title, description, and accessibility settings and adding a favicon or social image. If you want to take it a step further, I'll show you how to integrate a custom domain by upgrading your Framer account and connecting it to an existing domain. Together, let's create a user-friendly and beautifully designed website.
Once everything is perfect, you can confidently click the "publish" button in the top right corner to make your website live. We'll also explore the importance of accessibility and shareability, making the website accessible to all users and easily shareable with customers and stakeholders. Additionally, I'll explain how to customize the website's online display by changing the site title, description, and accessibility settings and adding a favicon or social image. If you want to take it a step further, I'll show you how to integrate a custom domain by upgrading your Framer account and connecting it to an existing domain. Together, let's create a user-friendly and beautifully designed website.