Prepare your Framer template to be listed on
Importance of Preparing Your Template for Submission to Framer
Submitting a template to Framer requires careful preparation to ensure a higher chance of acceptance. This involves aligning pages, cleaning up unnecessary elements, organizing the left panel, and updating components.
Aligning Pages and Cleaning Up Unnecessary Elements
First, align all pages to ensure they look good when someone duplicates your template. Remove extraneous elements from the canvas that aren't part of the template. This step ensures the template appears neat and professional.
Organizing the Left Panel
In the left panel, delete unnecessary pages like 'test pages' or 'exploration pages' that aren't meant to be part of the final template. This helps in presenting a clean, organized template to users.
Cleaning Up the Assets Panel
Ensure the assets panel is tidy by naming components logically and deleting duplicates or unused components. This makes it easier for users to understand and use your template.
Updating Components and Deleting Unused Ones
Update all components to the latest versions, especially if they're not your own. Remove any components that aren't being used in the template to streamline it.
Publishing the Template and Checking for Errors
Publish your template to check for any errors. If there are warnings, download the error file to identify issues like nested 'a' tags, which can affect site optimization and SEO. Resolve these errors before finalizing your submission.
Optimizing the Site and Setting a Nice Title and Description
Optimize your site for speed and SEO. Set a descriptive title, a proper language setting, and a favicon to enhance the template's appeal. These small details can significantly impact the perceived professionalism of your template.
Getting a Custom Framer Subdomain
Consider claiming a custom Framer subdomain for your template. This not only makes your template look more professional but also enhances its marketability.
By following these steps, you can significantly increase the chances of your template being accepted on the Framer website. Remember to review these common issues if your template isn't accepted initially, and good luck with your submissions!